Sunday 20 December 2020

Segmentation fault with gnome-control-center on ubuntu 18

I was unable to open the settings tab of my ubuntu 18. This seems to be a very common issue as I found various threads on it with solutions ranging from asking to remove external ppas, reinstalling gnome-control-center etc. However none of this worked.

Finally I ran gnome-logs from the terminal and saw the detailed segmentation fault error under the System tab: 

gnome-control-c[28768]: segfault at fffffff8 ip 00007fe6cc71c8a0 sp 00007ffdf553f9e0 error 4 in[7fe6cc6a4000+178000]

On searching for error 4 libc along with gnome-control-center segmentation fault, I found the following page which finally solved the issue for me, at least temporarily.

Removing the "user" file from .config/dconf folder made gnome-control-center work again!